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IN/OUT | Living a beautiful life

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Kirstie van Noort

Kirstie van Noort’s work centres around storytelling. With each piece she makes there is a communication and consideration of the material and process that informs it. A ceramicist and designer based in Eindhoven, Netherlands, she uses concepts of journey and observations from her experiences to ground her work.



In 2016 Van Noort undertook a research project exploring raw materials used in the production of Arita (JP) porcelain. Whilst visiting the quarries where the porcelain is gathered and processed, she collected small deposits of mineral waste, enough to develop seven new colourways and one new clay body.

This approach is both innovative and sustainable, resulting in a range of tableware made completely from a single source of raw material.




Similarly, Van Noort’s field trip to Cornwall in 2014 provided her with new methods to make her works through experimentation with materials and minerals extracted through mining. She titled the project the ‘Cornwall Colour Series’.

Collecting residues of porcelain, copper, and tin from 12 different mines allowed Kirstie to develop a base material for a new ceramic paint. The result was beautiful and evocative, with each colour representing the original state of its natural resource.




Now a multi-award winning designer, Van Noort continues her research and ceramic making alongside her work as a material researcher.

Credit: Kirstie van Noort

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